Why did zoom stock go up - why did zoom stock go up:
Why did zoom stock go up - why did zoom stock go up: Looking for: Why did zoom stock go up - why did zoom stock go up: Click here to ENTER Barker: Yes. What can I add? We were discussing whether this quarter is in the hall of fame for a publicly traded stock quarters or whether it just goes straight to Mount Rushmore as one of the very elite, perhaps only four of all-time; I'd like to know what others are in the competition for this. Hill: Yeah. And it's funny I forget who it was, but I saw an analyst this morning on CNBC basically throw his hands up and just -- and I likened it to, in the same way that a lot of companies have come out during the pandemic and said, we're not giving guidance anymore, there's too much uncertainty we're not giving guidance for the rest of the fiscal year. This analyst was basically doing the same thing with Zoom Video, like, I don't know what to do with this valuation. So, it was almost like he wanted to leave the set, ...